Harlequin Blaze
ISBN: 978-0-373-79782-0
December 2013
Series Romance

San Francisco, California - Present Day

Hailey North has one chance to save her company: be chosen as the lingerie line featured in the chain of Rudolph department stores.  But, instead of choosing a line for each department, Rudolph has chosen two, with the final decision to be made by Cherry, the spokesmodel he's hoping to hire.  Now, Hailey's lacy, romantic lingerie is pitted against the sexy, edgy leather line being shown by Milano lingerie.  Her hope is to convince Cherry – through her manager – that Hailey's lingerie is more suited to the sexy torch singer.  And when the sexy Grinch she's been eyeing all night approaches, Hailey believes she's met Cherry's manager.

Gage Milano's plan to take a five-week vacation from Milano to focus on his own company and relax has been destroyed by his father's insistence that he win the lingerie contract with Rudolph department stores.  As Vice President of Marketing, Gage knows what sells and how to sell it, so when he spots the innocent looking elf who seems a bit out of place at the party, he decides she must be Cherry's manager and just the person he needs to talk to.  Though not the type Gage usually goes for, Hailey surprises him and while he leaves the party a little bit frustrated, they make plans to see each other again.

Before their date however, Hailey and Gage learn that they are competing for the same contract in NAUGHTY CHRISTMAS NIGHTS.  It isn't long before Gage puts his foot in his mouth and fires up Hailey's determination to win, but it's difficult to be fighting with him when Hailey finds him so attractive.  They've made the final decision into a competition, with Gage trying to prove that sex sells, and Hailey insistent that women will buy lingerie for the romance of it. In order to convince Rudolph and Cherry to hire their own company, Hailey and Gage are spending a lot of time together.  The chemistry between them sizzles even though they are often at odds throughout the book.  A fun, sexy holiday romance, check out NAUGHTY CHRISTMAS NIGHTS.

Jennifer Bishop