WOLF TROUBLE – Paige Tyler
SWAT Series, (Special Wolf Alpha Team),
Book 2
Sourcebooks Casablanca, Inc.
ISBN-13:  978-1-49-260850-9
August 2015
Romantic Suspense

Dallas, Texas – Present Day

Khaki Blake is a police officer in Tacoma, Washington, when a woman getting beaten up near a dumpster almost gets Khaki killed as she tries to save her.  Khaki received several bullets in her shoulder and thigh, but after breaking up with another police officer with more power than she has, she suddenly finds no officers will come to her aid, and no EMT's will come to her crime scenes.  Now Khaki begins to wonder what happened to her that night three months ago; she seems stronger and faster and able to heal more quickly.  But she has no idea why.

Senior Corporal Xander Riggs and the rest of Dallas SWAT are troubled when the big brass declare they need to be more diversified, and hire a female SWAT officer.  Add in that every SWAT member in Dallas is a werewolf, and the problem is compounded.  Gage Dixon is Xander's boss, and he finally gets the brass at police headquarters to agree to let Gage choose the female that is assigned to their team.

Gage goes to Tacoma after hearing about Khaki and checking and reading the articles about her in the newspaper the past several months and about her actions and commendations.  Khaki is astounded when Gage informs her that something happened that night that made her a werewolf, and he explains all her new abilities. He wants her on his Dallas SWAT team, also made up of all werewolves.  A showdown with her ex-boyfriend, Jeremy, has her taking him to the ground, and she decides her time on the force there is ended and Dallas is looking very good.

One sniff when Khaki comes in the door spells doom for Xander; only a woman with that smell would be his true mate.  Now how is he to work with someone he wants to protect at all costs?

Paige Tyler knows the shifter ways and gives us an action packed and thrilling story about Khaki and Xander.  Like all men, Xander can't imagine any woman strong enough to be on their SWAT team.  Put under Xander's command, little does he recognize that Khaki is just as good as every man on the team, and can make a big difference and help save lives.  Khaki is just learning her newfound abilities, thanks to Xander and Gage, and is gradually coming to terms with her changed body.  I have started a love affair with the shifters for the past several years, and Paige Tyler gives us shifters, love, and pulse racing action between Xander and Khaki.  I know you'll love it!

Secondary characters include the leader of the SWAT team, Gage Dixon, all the members of the team, and Khaki's old boyfriend, Jeremy, who just can't accept she left him and wants to incite trouble with his actions.  Not something a non-shifter wants to do to a shifter, even a female, who is much stronger than he is.

WOLF TROUBLE is an incredibly interesting, action-packed and intensely satisfying look at the SWAT team and how this pack of werewolves keeps Dallas safe.  The first book in the series is HUNGRY WOLF (January 2015) featuring Gage Dixon, and there are fourteen other members of the team to read about, yum yum!  Get yourself some WOLF TROUBLE this month and see what trouble a female werewolf can get into with a pack of male SWAT members.

Carolyn Crisher