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ISBN: 978-1250842268
January 31, 2023
Romantic Comedy

Chicago – Present

Freelance writer Sora Reid swears off men after her latest romance disaster. Now it’s heading into February, and she cringes at the idea of having to put up with all the hoopla surrounding Valentine's Day. Sora has always hated the day after some bad experiences as a child when she didn’t get any valentines. She’d rather stuff her face with bacon and hide away in her condo, but with her sister’s upcoming wedding, she won’t be able to hibernate. Sora comes up with an idea for a #GoSolo campaign in the month of February and her editor loves it. She asks Sora to write a journal for the month talking about her journey to be dateless in the month of February. Sounds like a good plan. That is, until Sora meets Jack Mann, with who she went to elementary school. Jack is a baker and he’s grown up very nicely. How long will it be before Sora is wanting to give up her dateless February?

Sora hasn’t had much luck when it comes to men. She married Marley after becoming pregnant, and after she lost the baby, they stuck it out for a few years—until she discovered him cheating on her. Her last boyfriend turned out to be married, only he forgot to mention that fact to her. The in-between romances were meh. So, readers can understand why she isn’t wanting to dive right into another relationship. But Valentine’s Day is big on coupling and the last thing Sora wants is to be desperately seeking a date. Instead, she plans to be solo for at least February—and probably longer. Until she meets Jack. He plies her with bakery goods and tempts her with his kindness and attentiveness.

Jack is a nice guy and is clearly attracted to Sora. She is caught between reciprocating the vibes between them or shooing him away. The waffling has her going both ways in THE SECOND YOU’RE SINGLE. Jack is definitely fun to be with and he makes Sora feel good, but is she abandoning the fans that are following her on her #GoSolo quest? That is what she has to deal with in this funny and intriguing tale. What will her decision be? Will she abort her February solo plans to go on a date with Jack? Will he turn out to be like her other exes?

A refreshing and entertaining tale, THE SECOND YOU’RE SINGLE is by an author I’ve never read before. The story is cute and funny, and some readers might just relate to Sora’s predicament. Be sure to give this one a try.

Patti Fischer

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