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BLAME IT ON VEGAS – Kira Sinclair
Bad Billionaires , Book 6
Harlequin Desire #2892
ISBN: 978-1-335-58131-0
August 2022

Contemporary Series Romance

Las Vegas – Present Day

Annalise Mercado’s casino is being ripped off by a thief who has somehow rigged the slot machines to allow the thief to skim off the top. Behind her back, Annalise’s brother hires tech tycoon Luca Kilpatrick to help her in the investigation. Years ago, Annalise stood by while her father beat Luca up after he got caught cheating in the casino. Is Luca really planning to help Annalise, or is he out for revenge?

Luca has done mighty well since the last time he crossed paths with Annalise. Back then he was a young man fresh out of the foster care system. Now he owns a billion-dollar company that specializes in tech espionage. Annalise intrigues Luca because he was attracted to her all those years ago, even if she didn’t speak up while her father beat him. She acts cool as ice around him, though he plans to soon melt that ice. It helps that there’s a mutual attraction between them.

BLAME IT ON VEGAS brings readers behind the scenes to the other side of the Las Vegas gambling industry. While people are trying their luck at gambling, there are people like Annalise behind the scenes to make sure things go smoothly. But when someone tries to cheat the system, they must be found. That is where Luca comes in with his investigative and computer skills. While Annalise thought she could avoid being around Luca by letting others assist him in the investigation, Luca insists that she collaborate with him. Sexual chemistry oozes between the two, and readers know that they will soon be having some fun amongst the sheets. She hasn’t ever allowed a man to get close to her, especially after a childhood that saw her witness her mother’s murder by her stepfather. Can Luca get close to her and win her trust? Once the job is over, can they keep their affair going?

Part of the Bad Billionaires series by Kira Sinclair, BLAME IT ON VEGAS can easily be read as a standalone. We do get scenes involving Annalise’s brother, Dominic, and his now fiancée, Meredith, who appeared in SECRETS, VEGAS STYLE, but readers don’t need to have read it to understand this tale.

There’s a little bit of intrigue mixed with some pleasure for both Annalise and Luca in BLAME IT ON VEGAS. They clash at first but are soon doing the horizontal tango. If you love a sexy and fun tale, then don’t miss this.

Patti Fischer

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