SIREN'S DESIRE - Devyn Quinn
Dark Tides Trilogy
- Book 3
ISBN: 978-045-123-611-1 
February 2012
Paranormal Romance

Mediterranean Sea - Present Day

Addison is finally returning to her life after the traumatic battle with the covert agency that threatened her and her family. Addison cannot risk any more danger with her two nieces on the way, no matter how much she wants to go up against Magaera, the Mer queen. Well, until Mason McKenzie comes along.

Mason is on the hunt for Magaera and the captain of the naval task force assigned to the queen's demise. Addison is the perfect recruit. While at sea the two are pulled into a passion so great, they may lose themselves in it. Addison must make a choice: the sea or her heart's desire.

Devyn Quinn masterfully wraps up the  Dark Tides series  with the final sister Addison. A sexy and thrilling novel, this couple's passion at sea is unique and hot, hot, hot. A jewel among this kind of paranormal romance books, SIREN'S DESIRE deals with new kinds of supernatural creatures, the siren and mer people. 

Fans of the first two books in the series will adore this final installment of the last Lonike sisters' escapades in love. Romance fans of Joey W. Hill and Thea Harrison are sure to enjoy Ms. Quinn's novels. Check out what is next for the author on her website.
