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Sirens in Silk
ISBN: 978-0-06-324749-9 (Print edition)
ISBN: 978-0-06-324751-2 (Digital edition)
September 2023
Historical Fiction

Yorkshire, England -1886

Anthony Carey, Duke of Strickland (Strick) has just found out some very aggravating news. After the suspicious death of his stepmother, Deena Darwish Carey, Strick assumed that he would naturally inherit Castle Tremayne, where he grew up. He had been shocked when his father died to discover that although Strick inherited all of the lands surrounding his home, that the castle had been left to Deena. And now he's found out that Deena left Castle Tremayne to a relative of hers from America! 

Miss Raya Darwish has traveled to England with her aunt from New York. Initially, this trip was to meet her cousin Deena whom she had been corresponding with for years. But upon her arrival, she was dismayed to learn that Deena had died. To her utter surprise, she has been informed that Deena has left the old castle to Raya. She immediately is made aware that the present duke is furious with this decision, and the two don't start off on good footing. After her brother in New York removed her from the family business telling her that Arab women do not work in trade, Raya had hoped to get some support from Deena. That thought is now a fantasy.

Raya discovers that the castle is in need of repairs, and that there is little, if any, money available for that. Strick is horrified to be told that Raya is planning to open the castle to tours in order to make money to maintain the building. And Raya is also interested in Strick allowing people to view his rare collection of Anglo-Saxon artifacts that he maintains in his private residence on the grounds. All of this doesn't sit well with Strick, although he is well aware that neither he nor Raya have the finances to restore the old castle. 

As angry and frustrated as Strick is with the turn of events, he is slowly starting to admire the pluck of the beautiful Arab woman. Raya does not suffer fools gladly, and she makes it clear that her main goal is to return Castle Tremayne to its past glory. And if that means making Strick uncomfortable, so be it. But, Raya, too, is beginning to see another side of the duke. Can the two of them come to some kind of an agreement?

THE DUKE GETS DESPERATE is part of the Sirens in Silk series. The initial shock to both of them regarding her inheritance of the castle soon has to result in some answers as to how to proceed. Can Strick get used to this forceful, intelligent woman's ideas to improve his home? And will Raya ever be able to understand the British way of life? Readers will thoroughly enjoy this tale.

Jani Brooks

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