Eternity Springs Series
Ballantine Books
ISBN: 978-0-345-54230-4
June 2014
Contemporary Romance

Eternity Springs, Colorado and Bella Vita Isle, Caribbean – Present Day

Gabrielle “Gabi” Romano left the police force looking for a quieter, stable life, yet she feels lost as to what she wants to do. She takes a plush job dog sitting for a rich couple's puppy on Bella Vita Isle while they're away. Almost immediately the puppy runs away—right to the next door property where Gabi meets Flynn Brogan. Thinking he's a sexy pool maintenance man, the two begin a friendship. While Gabi is hesitant to get involved with another man after being betrayed by her ex, she soon lets her guard down. But on a fateful sailing excursion, something terrible happens and leads to the revelation that Flynn isn't telling her the truth about his past and who he is.

Flynn isn't really the pool guy. In fact, he owns the lush estate he lives on, hoping to lead a low key lifestyle after a tragedy and ensuing trial put him in the spotlight as the “O.J. Simpson of the decade.” Yes, he was found not guilty in the court of law, but the public has already convicted him. Flynn has legally changed his name and hopes to begin a new life where he isn't pointed out and pursued as “public enemy number one.” Meeting Gabi, he doesn't want to reveal the truth about himself (as she apparently doesn't pay any attention to headlines) but knows as the deeper they become involved, he's going to have to eventually tell her. Before he's able to, his world is shattered…as is his relationship with Gabi. She returns to Colorado, vowing that she never wants to see him again.

An emotional and gripping tale, DREAMWEAVER TRAIL has at its core two people whose lives have fallen apart. Meeting one another, Gabi and Flynn don't think they have a future together, yet soon each wonder if there isn't a glimmer of a chance. But Flynn's scandalous past may split them apart. Obviously, both have trust issues, so becoming close is a slow process, though each feels that zing of sexual attraction. Flynn is trying to not only protect himself from the paparazzi, but Gabi, because he wants it to be the right time when he tells her. He thought a trip sailing around the local Caribbean area would be perfect, but he didn't expect to meet up with modern day pirates. After the attack and learning Flynn's real identity, Gabi tries to move on by starting a new career in glassblowing, where she hopes a year in Italy to learn the trade will help her to forget him.

Both Gabi and Flynn are strong souls who will have to rely on their strength, and fail to heal what ails them. Finding love isn't easy, yet they feel this connection between them. Powerful emotion will pull in readers to DREAMWEAVER TRAIL and you'll be rooting for Gabi and Flynn to make it work. Of course, as with all the books set in the Eternity Springs series, all roads to healing lead back to Colorado…and to the resident healer Celeste Blessing, who runs the spa in Eternity Springs. Flynn's hermit lifestyle is interrupted by fate…on the same day that Gabi returns from Italy. Months have passed since Gabi and Flynn have seen each other, both professing they want to move on, away from the other. But the healing power is strong in Eternity Springs, and fate brings them together once more…

Emily March delivers a poignant and exciting tale with DREAMWEAVER TRAIL, and if you believe in true love and destiny with plenty of emotion, then this one is for you.

Patti Fischer