STARRY NIGHT – Debbie Macomber
ISBN-13: 978-0-345-52889-6
October 2013
Contemporary Romance

Chicago, Illinois and Alaska – Present Day

Carrie Slayton is tired of writing society stories and fluff articles.  Unhappy with her job, she tenders her resignation, determined to go home to Seattle and find a new, more challenging job for a newspaper on the West coast.  But Nash, her Chicago employer, has other ideas.  He gives her a challenge: find reclusive author, Finn Dalton; bring back his story, and get the promotion of her dreams.

Carrie believes this assignment will be a piece of cake.  But first, she has to find out who Finn Dalton is.  Nash actually laughed at her as he gave her the assignment.  He told her point blank that she has as much chance of finding Finn Dalton as she does finding the tooth fairy.  Everyone in the country wants to know about the reclusive man, Finn Dalton, who wrote a wildly popular book about living in the wilds of Alaska and self-survival.  The book went off the charts, and now the public wants more.  Every reporter in the country is trying to locate Finn Dalton without success.  Carrie knows he lives far from civilization, somewhere in the Alaskan wilds, and she refuses to give up.  She will find Finn and get a story.  Hitting dead end after dead end, she finally ends up on a bush plane in Alaska, gets dropped off on the edge of a frozen lake in the snow-covered wilderness, and prays that Finn will be at home!  In an instant, the plane is gone, leaving her in the snow with no shelter, no warmth...and only the far off light of Finn's cabin in the woods...

Thus begins one of the greatest love stories of the year!  Finn and Carrie are totally mismatched.  Finn is a solitary man who keeps to himself and has little use for people.  Carrie is a social person who has stars in her eyes and believes in romance and happily ever after.  Opposites attract, and Finn and Carrie are off to a frozen start which quickly heats up the pages as they turn.

STARRY NIGHT is pure romance.  This fantastic novel is a cuddle up in your pajamas with a cup of hot tea story.  This is one book for the keeper shelf to read again and again!

Diana Risso