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ONE STEAMY NIGHT – Brenda Jackson
The Westmoreland Legacy, Book 6
Harlequin Desire #22A
ISBN: 978-1-335-45784-4
November 2023
Contemporary Series Romance

Gamble, Wyoming – Present Day

Jaxon Ravnel has known Nadia Novak for years through his friendship with the Westmoreland family. He is attracted to her, but she hasn’t given him any signs that she reciprocates his feelings. Jaxon plans to expand his business by building a plant in Gamble and makes contact with Nadia. She invites him to dinner at her place, and it is there that he informs her that he intends to marry her. Stunned, Nadia makes it clear to him that she isn’t currently looking for a husband and if she did, he wouldn’t be in the running. Too bad that she’s lying to herself.

One can say that Jaxon isn’t afraid of being forthright. The moment he met Nadia years ago he wanted her and knew she would be the perfect wife. In fact, he secretly is in love with her. Her resistance is to be expected and now it’s up to him to prove to her that they are made for each other. What Jaxon doesn’t know is that Nadia is a virgin and wants to make sure that she finds the right man before she goes to bed with him. At this point, Nadia is attracted to Jaxon, but she thinks that she would be just another conquest for him and not the love match she wants. 

Throughout the first part of ONE STEAMY NIGHT, Nadia wrestles with her feelings for Jaxon. Yes, he’s handsome and pleasant to be around, but he is more worldly than she is. She figures that he would be bored with her once he bedded her. She scoffs at his bold statement that he wants to marry her. No one is sure about marriage this soon. Jaxon dines and woos Nadia, and soon she wants to enjoy one passionate—steamy—night with him. Will it all work out between them?

As with many of the Westmoreland family series books, readers catch glimpses of many different branches of the family. Which couple will be having the next baby (or babies since triplets seem to run in the Westmoreland family)? Nadia’s sister is married to a Westmoreland and Jaxon is friends with several of them. Reading a Westmoreland book is like coming home to a family reunion. 

Jaxon and Nadia dance around their feelings, but once they give in to them, ONE STEAMY NIGHT turns into a sensuous tale that will have readers reaching for an ice-cold drink. Our couple are both good people and readers will be rooting for them to find love and happiness together. Things start off a little rocky for Jaxon and Nadia, but once they’re on the same page, then it’s full steam ahead. Don’t miss ONE STEAMY NIGHT.

Patti Fischer

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