Married by Royal Decree , Book 2
Harlequin Desire #2255
ISBN: 978-0-373-73268-5
September 2013
Series Romance

New York City and Zohayd – Present Day

Aram Nazaryan was forced from Zohayd years ago and wants more than anything to return to the country of his birth, but it appears that the only way to do so is to marry Zohaydan Princess Kanza Aal Ajmaan, who is nicknamed “The Monster.” Kanza is well known for her barbed tongue, and for that reason she has yet to snag a groom. Marrying Kanza would offer both her and Aram a chance at respectability and a return to Zohayd. Aram had initially scoffed at his brother-in-law's suggestion of marriage to Kanza, but once they meet—by chance?—the sparks fly. Both are given a chance to explain their pasts to each other and learn they are a lot alike. The sparks turn to passion—and a marriage proposal. But Aram doesn't bother to tell Kanza that he only looked in her direction because of the idea proposed to him by his brother-in-law.

Both Kanza and Aram have felt like outcasts due to their past supposed indiscretions, with Aram accused of betraying Kanza's half-sister by breaking off their engagement, while Kanza's wicked tongue has gotten her into too much trouble. In CONVENIENTLY HIS PRINCESS, marriage to one another would be a step towards redemption and honor, but their attraction to each other is a deciding factor that pushes them toward their final decision. Much of the first part of CONVENIENTLY HIS PRINCESS has them alone discussing the past and what really went on. Is Aram's explanation enough for Kanza to change her mind? Does Aram now see “The Monster” in a new light?

A marriage of convenience isn't something either Aram or Kanza had planned for their future, but neither can deny that the opportunity to atone for the past would be the right path for them in CONVENIENTLY HIS PRINCESS. Aram is rocked by new feelings for Kanza, just as she is by her own attraction to him, a man she saw as ruthless after breaking off his long ago engagement to her half-sister. Yet, their newfound desire for each other is uncontrollable, and Aram can't wait to make Kanza his…forever. But how will she react when she discovers she was dangled as “good bridal material” to Aram. Is his love for her all lies?

This is a touching tale that sizzles as a couple fights for redemption—and love—in CONVENIENTLY HIS PRINCESS.

Patti Fischer