Monster MASH Series, Book 3
St. Martin's Press
ISBN: 978-0-312-54668-7
September 2013
Urban Fantasy Romance

4th Quadrant of Limbo – Present Day

Dr. Petra Robichaud and the doctors at the MASH 3063rd don't believe the cease-fire in the war between the gods will last long, so they are doing their best to enjoy the down-time.  For Petra that has meant reconnecting with Marc, the man she'd almost been engaged to when she still lived in New Orleans.  He was drafted into the war a few years before Petra was, and she and his family had been told he died, but Petra recently found him again.  As nice as it's been to have learned that he is alive, Petra is starting to realize that their relationship is not the same as it once was.

To complicate matters, Galen of Delphi returns.  Petra and Galen fell in love after she saved his life, but even though Galen is no longer a demi-god, he was still a soldier and was called back to duty.  He told Petra to move on with her life, and while she did, she still loves Galen—and he still loves her.  Unfortunately he will always be a soldier first, and it's not as if there's much of a future for the humans living in Limbo anyway.  When war breaks out again and a new prophecy comes down from the Oracles, Petra (the healer around whom the prophecies seem to revolve but is keeping this a secret from all but Galen, Marc and the unit's chaplain) is once again thrust into the middle of the war.

The third and final book in the Monster MASH series, IMMORTALLY EVER AFTER begins just before the war begins again.  The old gods have battled the new gods for over 700 years, conscripting humans and shifters as their soldiers and auxiliary personnel.  Petra has successfully hidden the fact that she can see spirits for the ten years she's served at the MASH unit.  The first prophecy (in the first book, IMMORTALLY YOURS) spoke of the healer that can see the dead being the one to bring about peace, and so far, she has succeeded.  The latest prophecy states that the healer will uncover a weapon that will arrest the gods, and Petra is less than enthused to be thrust back in action.  The return of Galen is bittersweet; she's thrilled to see the man she loves, but they can't truly be together so long as they are stuck in Limbo—a place they will only leave through death.

Along with the war and Galen, Petra also has to deal with a dragon: Galen rescued Leta from captivity, and she's a bit on the feral side right now.  Add in the fact that Petra is serving as obstetrician to Medusa, who is days away from giving birth, and Petra has quite a bit on her plate right now.

It is probably best to read the stories in order to get a better sense of what is going on with the war, Petra, and the men in her life, and the series is fascinating.  Both fun and filled with adventure, IMMORTALLY EVER AFTER is a book I highly recommend.

Jennifer Bishop