LAST PROMISE - Scarlett Dunn
The McBride Brothers Trilogy, Book 3
ISBN-13: 978-1-4201-3893-1
May 2016
Inspirational Historical Romance

Promise, Wyoming and England - Approximately 1871

Luke McBride has every single woman in town vying for his attention, hoping to lasso the handsome cowboy into marriage.  And Luke is happy to play the field, until a beautiful woman steps off the stage.  Luke nearly stumbles and loses all interest in the two women hanging on his arms.  Then, a drunken cowboy ruins his heretofore perfect day by insulting Sally, leaving Luke no choice but to punch the man.  Now, his favorite blue shirt is torn and bloody, and while Sally and Lucinda are fussing over him, he only has eyes for the pretty lady in the pink feathered hat.  (Luke loves that pink hat!)

British heiress Mary Ann Hardwick has run away from home.  She refuses to marry a man she doesn't love, so she's traveled all the way from England, across the United States to Wyoming, where she plans to open up a shop selling women's finery:  perfumes and undergarments she'll order directly from Paris, France.  Meanwhile, she'll help her uncle George run the hotel.  And the first thing she plans to do is properly train her uncle's hotel staff!  The young man she saw brawling in the street brought her luggage to her room, but his impudent questions are not appropriate; Mary Ann shoves a coin into his hand and rushes him out; the very idea that a servant would dare speak to her in that manner!

After Luke hurried through the lunch he promised Sally and Lucinda, he escorted them to their buggy, then made a beeline to the hotel's front desk where he took on the delivery of one of the heaviest pieces of luggage ever!  He tries to speak to the lovely Miss Mary Ann Hardwicke, but she barely suffers his presence, and she actually thinks Luke is one of her uncle's employees!  Now, Luke is on a mission, he has to find a way to get this high-browed young woman to give him more than the time of day.

LAST PROMISE is a winner!  The final book in The McBride Brothers Trilogy , this is the story of the youngest McBride brother.  Luke is a charmer, handsome and suave; he plays the ladies and has fun at the same time.  He has no intention of settling down until he sees Mary Ann Hardwicke and her pink hat.  Suddenly, being single isn't all it's cracked up to be.  Mary Ann sees Luke as just another Western ruffian, until she's forced to work side by side with him one night while they handle an emergency in the hotel kitchen.  Still, it's going to take a long time for these two would-be lovers to come to terms with each other.  Mary Ann was raised as part of the stiff and staid English aristocracy, and she has a lot of learning to do about the relaxed American lifestyle.  Meanwhile, Luke, who's fun loving and flirty, can't help that women flock to his side in droves, which is something that gives Mary Ann pause.  And, when her father sends detectives and her former fiancé to bring her back to England, Mary Ann and Luke's trials have just begun.

LAST PROMISE follows PROMISES KEPT (August 2015) and FINDING PROMISE (January 2016).  Each book stands alone on its own merit, but readers will enjoy a fun ride in the entire series filled with sparkling, dynamic characters that play out their stories with passion, drama, and laughter.

LAST PROMISE is a wonderful love story!

Diana Risso