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AT FIRST SPITE – Olivia Dade
Harlot’s Bay, Book 1
ISBN: 978-0063215917
February 13, 2024

Contemporary Romance

Harlot’s Bay, Maryland – Present Day

Athena Greydon is happily engaged to Dr. Johnny Vine and they’re currently at an engagement party she helped arrange in Harlot’s Bay where Johnny and his family and friends live. She has yet to meet Johnny’s brother, Dr. Matthew Vine, but it doesn’t take long to figure out who he is when she overhears Johnny talking to another man. Johnny is being told to not get married to Athena. Stunned, she didn’t know what to say, especially since she thought everything was perfect. But a month before the wedding, Johnny breaks it off. However, Athena now has a problem. As a surprise wedding gift, she’d poured all her money into a big wedding gift for him: she bought the house next door to him. With no fiancé and no money, plus no job after she quit to get married, she has no place to go. Athena ends up moving into the house. Johnny is currently in Hawaii using the vacation that was planned for their honeymoon. But Athena soon learns that Matthew is the one living in the house next door. How will she react when she realizes the man responsible for breaking up her engagement is living so close?

Athena bought a house called the Spite House. It was named because two rival brothers built houses next to each other on property so small that the houses are around ten feet or so in width, plus are close together. Athena can literally see into Matthew’s house. Things are uncomfortable at first, mainly because she hates the man and gives him death stares whenever she spots him. But he turns out to have a kind heart—though he might be heartless—after he helps her out a few times. As the deep freeze thaws between them, Matthew finds himself increasingly attracted to Athena. How can he explain to her that the reason he didn’t want Johnny to marry her is because he felt his brother wasn’t ready for marriage? As the weeks go on, Athena finds it hard to get a permanent job after taking a couple of temporary ones. She needs money for the mortgage, and she doesn’t want to tell her parents her predicament because she feels that makes her a failure in their eyes. In the end, it is Matthew who comes to her rescue in a big way that doesn’t necessarily mean money. Will this give them an opening to find love together?

AT FIRST SPITE has its funny moments but it also tackles some serious issues that I won’t spoil for readers. But it means that between the laughter you will also realize that life isn’t always easy. One can understand Athena’s initial dislike of Matthew, and soon you will see why he felt Johnny wasn’t ready for marriage. Matthew has always looked out for his younger brother and thought he was doing it again when he told him to not marry Athena. But the more Matthew gets to know her, he starts to like her and regrets the pain he caused her. There was no way he could have known she would quit her job and put all her savings into the Spite House. He tries to soothe the pain he has caused but she is still hurting from what she sees as his rejection of her sight unseen. Despite all this, a romance soon blooms between them.

A tale that is not only tender and funny but filled with sizzle, don’t miss the fun in AT FIRST SPITE.

Patti Fischer

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