HUCKLEBERRY HILL – Jennifer Beckstrand
The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill , Book 1
ISBN: 978-1-4201-3356-1
January 2014
Inspirational Romance (Amish)

Present Day Wisconsin

Anna and Felty Helmuth—called Mammi and Dawdi by their loving grandchildren—live on their farm on Huckleberry Hill. They are in their eighties, but spry…and slightly quirky. A grandson, Moses Zimmerman, comes by often to help the old couple when he's not busy running his cheese factory. Mammi recently decided Moses needs a wife, so she asked friends in Wautoma if they would send Lia, the elder of their two daughters, to come work for them for the summer. The matchmaking scheme should have worked perfectly; Lia is a wonderful woman, very skilled in the domestic arts, tall at almost six feet to Moses's six feet five inches, and he thinks her beautiful. But there are serious drawbacks to Mammi's plans. Moses long ago gave his heart to another woman, but she broke it three years ago when she left the community for the outside world. However, she left him with the hope she would one day return, and Moses it a very loyal man. The other major problem is Lia's spoiled younger sister Rachel, who decides she wants Moses for herself. Rachel is daddy's girl and gets anything she wants.

The first in a new series, HUCKLEBERRY HILL is a charming tale with many lovable characters. There is a refreshingly sweet innocence to Moses and Lia. Unfortunately, Lia believes no one could want her, so there is much inner conflict as well as a troublemaker's interference to put bumps in the road to happily-ever-after. A reader will have to hang in there as the plot unfolds. At least two more books in the series are in the works, HUCKLEBERRY SUMMER and HUCKLEBERRY CHRISTMAS. I look forward to their release.

Jane Bowers