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ISBN: 978-1-250-14253-5
August 2017
Contemporary Romance

Marazur – Present Day

Rose Walters is hired as a nanny for the Crown Prince of Marazur's children, who recently lost their mother and nanny in a car accident. Rose has worked for others as a trusted nanny for years, and since she is somewhat estranged from her own family, is eager to go overseas and work in Marazur. She once met the younger prince of Marazur, Prince Diego, years ago and wonders if he remembers their exchange, but deep down, she hopes he doesn't because back then she was literally a beggar. But the first person Rose meets at the royal castle is Prince Diego. He apparently doesn't remember her, which relieves her worries, but wherever she turns, there he is, ready to step in and help with the children.

Prince Diego is the “spare heir” and, as such, is pretty much able to do what he wants, including getting involved in romantic scandals. With the recent death of his sister-in-law, he offers to step in and assist his brother and father while they cope with the tragedy. He agrees to meet the nanny and help her get acclimated into palace life, but Diego discovers to his shock that he's intrigued by the demure, but pretty, woman. He then uses excuses to spend time with his niece and nephew—and Rose, their nanny. Diego wants Rose, but he isn't getting involved with palace help forbidden due to the scandal it'd cause?

Rose is almost like Cinderella as she falls for the prince, but in this case, they're living in modern times and she's the nanny. Diego can have any woman he wants—and has indulged in many affairs—but once he meets Rose, he suddenly loses interest in his playboy ways. But first he must win her trust, and hope they can build something together out of the public eye, which is hard to do when the press is tracking your every move. Yet, Rose and Diego do spend time together at the palace, which cements their friendship. But will it lead to something even deeper, like love…and marriage?

THE PLAYBOY PRINCE AND THE NANNY by Donna Alward is the first tale in a two-book series about the two princes of Marazur, with the widowed Crown Prince Raoul's story next. Rose is British and has been raised to respect the proper manners of help versus employers. Diego would like to throw that convention out the window, but he has to break down Rose's barriers. Their romance builds slowly…and is sweet, rather than sensual. But just as Rose and Diego are ready to declare their love for each other, a crisis occurs that breaks them apart. Will they find their way back to each other?

This is a romantic tale of sweet love and the prince who finds his commoner bride. Don't miss THE PLAYBOY PRINCE AND THE NANNY.

Patti Fischer
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